Page 10 - IT Channel Marketing Case Study
P. 10


Pegums is a marketing company who support 

a number of multi-national IT companies.IBM & Quantum

are pleased to 
announce that
the “Protectors” 
TS3310 (3576-L5B) 

We are their virtual creative team, providing sales incentive 
program is being 
extended for another 
design solutions for print and on-line projects.Leafletsix month period

Web banner

“Protectors III”

“Pegums Ltd has been a client of EY Monday 2nd April 2012 to Friday 28th September 2012

The new “Protectors III” program will give you the potential opportunity to win:-
Communications for the last eighteen • Agent Gadgets
• £50 Amazon Vouchers or local currency equivalent
• iPad 3rd Generation 16GB WIFI 4G• Local Experiences Prizes
months. We work with many highly 

If you are already a registered “Protector” then all you need to do is continue registering your TS3310 (3576-L5B) sales on the “Protectors” web portal
demanding blue chip client such as HP, 
Those who are not registered “Protectors”, Welcome; you & your sales teams are invited to join an elite 
team of special agents the “Protectors” helping the world protect its most valuable and important asset 
IBM, QLogic and Quantum. We use EY “data”. Your Mission should you accept it is to sell to your customers the most important product they need, the IBM TS3310 (3576-L5B) modular tape library. This will allow them to protect their data and save 
the world from its arch enemy “data loss”.

Communications for all our copy writing, Your reward, should you accept this mission and register by visiting to become 
a “Protector” will be your special agent gadget. See enclosed terms and conditions for more details.

As part of the registration process you will learn more about the TS3310 and be asked to answer a few simple multi-choice questions to help you prepare for your mission.
design and artwork requirements. Our 
Once a “Protector” you will receive a number of special agent transmissions to help you on your mission 
to protect the worlds data. These will educate you on the gadgets/materials at your disposal to help you 
clients demand high quality, innovative sell the IBM TS3310 (3576-L5B) modular tape library to your customer.

output from us always on a very tight time 
.remotsucruoyot yrarbil epatraludom)B5L-6753( 0133ST MBI ehtlles
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line. EY Communications works closely as 
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part of our team offering excellent value for Support material and on-line campaigns .sliatederomrof snoitidnocdnasmret desolcneeeS.tegdagtnegalaicepsruoyeblli w”rotcetorP“a
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.”ssolatad“ymenehcrasti morfdlroweht
money and always delivers on time.”for the Quantum Partner Programme.yehttcudorptnatropmitsomeht sremotsucruoyotllesot sititpeccauoydluohsnoissi MruoY.”atad“ evasdnaatadriehttcetorpot meht wollalli wsihT.yrarbil epatraludom)B5L-6753( 0133ST MBI eht,deen 
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Kevin Peggs, Managing Director, Pegums Ltd0133STruoygniretsiger eunitnocsi odot deenuoyllaneht ”rotcetorP“deretsiger aydaerlaerauoyfI . moc.pukcab-noissi m. wwwlatropbew”srotcetorP“eht noselas)B5L-6753(

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